Sunday, January 20, 2013

OCD and the fitted sheet

As a child, I remember everyone always teasing my mother and grandmother about their OCD tendencies. They always just called it "good sense" or "of course the dishwasher has to be filled the right way!" or some other various phrase that made them sound even crazier. Once I got into college, I'd notice here and there that I too exhibited some of these traits (though not all- my room was a constant clusterfuck of god knows what everywhere, and I LOATHE dusting enough to sneeze my way through the house every day). But now as I'm heading (swiftly) toward 30 (o.m.g. I just typed that) I'm noticing that the 'familial' OCD is rearing its ugly head.

For instance:

Alarm- It does not matter that my phone has had the alarm set for MONTHS, Monday-Thursday to go off at 5:30 AM so I can go to work. It does not matter that it's never failed me. I still have to check it multiple times before I go to bed. I'll check it, lay there, think 'oh shit, did I check my alarm?' then check it again. And sometimes again.

Keys- Because I don't want to spend $80 to get a spare key for my car, I have but one. One solo key. I've become incessant about checking my purse for them like 20 times before I lock my car doors. Or close them. Or even look at my car to make sure my keys didn't fall out of my purse and get locked in there and I might have to bust a window. Seriously, this goes through my head.

Dishwasher (god. DAMN. IT.)- Seriously, there REALLY is a way to load the dishwasher. It's not hard guys. Plates go in the bottom organized by size, pots and pans as well. If it's too big, don't put the damn thing in there! Glasses and coffee cups go up top around the outside, bowls in the middle stacked accordingly so each can get clean. Tupperware in the dishwasher is tricky- you have to wedge those suckers between things so they don't flip over during power wash time.

File folders/organizing- I'm awfully OCD about this one. I just spent about 2 hours organizing only half of my sheet music collection (which really isn't THAT big honestly) by genre, artist, instrument, vocal, etc. My computer files have to be the same way. iTunes? EVERYTHING has to have Artist, Title, Genre at the minimum and be organized into folders. 

And finally, to the aforementioned title: THE FITTED SHEET.

Don't get me wrong- I love fitted sheets. I like that they usually stay where you put them on the mattress (unless you convulse in your sleep like me in which case all bets are off). But have you ever tried folding one of them?? Some of you are going to be like, whatever, I just wad it up and say to hell with this! And 10 years ago, I was right there with you. Towels too. 

Now everything has to be folded properly lined up. and you CANNOT line up a fitted sheet. Do you start at the "corners"? do you just try to fold it in half? It seriously drives me nuts. You cannot fold one without it getting super wrinkled and that's frustrating to me.

Someone come help me fold this shit.


  1. You can thank me and Gma for the OCD :) However, next time you want to give me a hard time, know this. I DO NOT recheck my alarm. So there!

  2. 20 years ago I could have wrote the same blog...the OCD kicks in and holy hell. Warning, it only gets worse with age lol

    it's really a bitch when your daugher decides to smear a stick of butter and can of chocolate syrup around the house at 7am while mom is still sleep..but I wont mention names.
