I told you this would happen, so you only have yourself to blame for reading it.
So I've been debating getting a new computer for awhile- I've had this laptop for about 3 years and you know how I am. Every so often I'm ready to upgrade, and I want a desktop. I had purchased this thinking I'd be able to take it back and forth to work and such but I never really did. And I want something with a better system than the laptop provides.
I love my music collection but I want more room to expand it, and movies too eventually. And I may or may not have a slight addiction to World of Warcrack, and I may have been researching for a month to get the best computer at the best price that will run it on high or ultra instead of epic fail shit like my laptop does. And I might want to play Skyrim on it. And maybe that beta of elder scrolls online.
I kind of became a gaming type nerd. And you all know who you can blame for that (*points at her significant other*). I'm not as bad as most though. But I definitely want the system to be able to do all the things I wanna do. This bitch couldn't even run the Sims.
So i just ordered it as my taxes arrived right on time, and if there wasn't a screaming 4 year old in my ear right now I'd probably be a bit more excited.
Stay tuned for part two when it actually arrives and i get to test it out :)
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